When you’ve been in business for as long as we have been, ittakes a lot to come upon a project that we would consider “different”.Recently, we encountered such a project when we were approached by “The GravityVault”. The Gravity Vault is a franchise of indoor rock climbing gyms thatspecializes in providing rock climbing experiences to people both young andold.
The reason we were contacted by The Gravity Vault wasbecause they had targeted a new location that could benefit from some extrasquare footage. In order to maximize the space above locker rooms and bathroomsin their new facility, they were looking to add a platform that could holdseveral offices and additionally, a climbing wall!
Some of the challenges of this project would be:
Luckily, The Mezzanine Company has a lot of experienceworking in fitness-type locations, like the many Retro Fitness locations we have worked with.
Working closely with all parties involved, and using thearchitecture drawings for the new facility, The Mezzanine Company was able toprovide a proposal for an approximately 2,200 square foot 12’ high mezzanineplatform. Additionally, we were able to providean alternate cost saving design which they approved. Gravity Vault already hadanother mezzanine design (with different structural members and columnplacement). We designed a new column layout which we coordinated with theirarchitect and GC, including strategic column placement within the planned buildout below, and we were able to provide them with the same size mezzanine areaand capacity at a cost savings.
Because the mezzanine would be handling lots of foot traffic,the mezzanine would include two IBC staircases and wire mesh railing.Additionally, the mezzanine was custom designed to handle the deflection.
After careful planning and efficient communication betweenall parties, the mezzanine was delivered and installed. The new mezzanineplatform greatly improved their new location by creating valuable additionalspace for their offices and an additional climbing wall.
Tim Walsh from The Gravity Vault had this to say about ourservice, “Francis Rutz is very attentiveand accommodating. Very competitivepricing and mezzanine shows up ready to be installed. If you need a mezzanine,these guys will get it done.”
Thanks Tim and we hope to work with otherGravity Vault locations in the near future!